The infamously feuding brothers, who split from Oasis in 2009 when ongoing tensions between reached their climax during a festival show in Paris, were discovered last month to have been named as directors of the ‘motion picture production’ company Kosmic Kyte, which was formed on 24th February - alongside Alex McKinlay, who runs Oasis and Noel’s management company, Ignition.
Rumours are currently rife - could it actually be the long-awaited return of the Brit-Pop kings? Some have suggested that Liam and Noel could be merely looking into working separately on a biopic, similar to their approach to 2016’s critically acclaimed documentary ‘Supersonic’, following the success of music-related films, like Bohemian Rhapsody, in recent years.
A high-definition release of Oasis’ legendary Knebworth shows is also rumoured, after fans were invited, via mailout, to share their “best memories and photos, videos and memorabilia” for “something special” adding: “Whatever your personal story surrounding Knebworth is, we want to hear it! Fill in the form to submit your anecdotes, photos and videos, and help tell the story of the concert of the decade.”
This all comes after Liam has stoked the fire for a potential comeback over a number of years - claiming as recently as February that the two of them had “been offered 100 million pounds for a tour” that was “still not enough for the greedy soul” Noel - who responded by tweeting that he was “not aware of any offer from anybody for any amount of money to reform”, and accusing Liam of using gossip to promote his latest single.
A reunion seems unlikely any time soon, given the brothers’ consistent warring of words - but it has surely got to happen some day, hasn’t it?